V4 Disaster Readiness and Response (V4DRR)

The V4DRR disaster response forum, which includes V4 non-state actors and public authorities, will be held in Budapest on 21 November 2024. This event is part of the international initiative V4—Common Qualification Standards for Non-state Actors in Disaster Response, which the Visegrad Fund financially supports. The high-level event will bring together top decision-makers from the private and public sectors, disaster agencies, NGOs, and government officials. V4DRR focuses on disaster readiness and response within the Visegrad Platform and neighbouring countries.

Over the past two years, five disaster response organisations have worked to pave the way for this roundtable event, which aims to engage politicians and diplomats in discussions about policy commitments to support frontline responders and professionals. We centred on mapping common standards for communication and protection., security, interoperability, and coordination of people, sources, and services provided by non-state actors in disaster preparedness and reaction to various small—and large-scale emergencies, pandemics, and humanitarian crises.


The primary goal of the V4DRR is to mobilise international and V4 resources for emergency response, relief, and aid while promoting collaboration, building stronger networks across the V4 countries, and encouraging greater support from governmental bodies. Additionally, the impact of the ongoing war on the EU’s eastern border and the climate change challenges leading to droughts, storms, heat waves, fires, and floods will be highlighted, emphasising the urgent need for investments in reducing risks of hazards/disasters and strengthening resilience. Acknowledging the EU role played by V4 countries in providing solidarity and support during challenging times is crucial. A key observation from recent crises in the V4 region is limitations in the preparedness and capacity of frontline responders, including rescuers, humanitarian workers, and first aid staff.