Capacity building for the non-governmental first responders and humanitarian workers


The project will support first responders and humanitarian workers networked across sectors and V4 countries, develop innovative learning practices, and encourage deeper and multidisciplinary cooperation with partners and their members. Acquired knowledge of the Civil Protection and Humanitarian Mechanisms, the legislative framework and the role of the adapted common humanitarian response coordination protocols and standards for all.

Being developed on common humanitarian and rescue protocols, the training curricula will strengthen the general response skills and competencies on prevention and preparedness for a wider V4 emergency response capacity; Enhance crisis response coordination skills at V4 and European level; Improve skills and competencies on the institutional and operational set-ups of four Civil Protection and Humanitarian systems of V4 and neighbouring countries.

The partnership will foster capacities for preparedness and reaction to any humanitarian and climate change-prone multi-hazard disasters. Greater capacity building will enable the use of knowledge and advanced solutions, spurring humanitarian practices and strategic-thinking evidence-based approach to decrease the evolving vulnerability of our communities. Building capacities of multiple actors for joint response will increase their accountability for balancing the crisis management and disaster reduction mechanisms. We will develop the courses for international certification of volunteers, humanitarian workers and professional first responders from NGOs, crisis managers (mayors) and specialists.

The partnership comprises 4 organisations involved in strategic, policy and field management and humanitarian intervention in emergencies, crises and natural catastrophes. The Polish Save The Children (a network partner of SDI and ASSR through the Sphere focal points organisations across the EU) will be engaged in activities in Poland via its Humanitarian Leadership Academy. Partners bring professional experience and knowledge of national civil protection, humanitarian mechanisms, and local and international emergency intervention standards. Three partners provide training on Sphere humanitarian intervention standards in recovery; three specialise in first medical aid response; two provide training for volunteers based on the international procedures of INSARAG.

However, all partners consider it important to valorise existing standards and adapt practices and lessons learnt from recent crises and natural disasters in V4 into common standards embraced by all via informal education. The Society Development Institute was established to support the development and implementation of humanitarian and protection policies. We have delivered an online tool for risk assessment of disasters and humanitarian crises that serves mayors and NGO actors in the EU. By the end of 2022, the SDI launched a nationwide programme for the first-ever humanitarian worker’s certified trainer as a focal point for the SPHERE Standards(CH). Our members and supporters are policemen, humanitarian activists, IT security experts and climate change auditors. We are experienced in large scale project mag.

Project partners:

Magyar Máltai Szeretetszolgálat Egyesület, education and training –

Asociácia samaritánov Slovenskej republiky, Rapid Response Team –

DLI Help, z.s. –

Sphere Standards Organisation –

HLA Regional Centre in Poland| Humanitarian Leadership Academy

Visegrad Fund –